Archive for December, 2017

China’s largest social media network, WeChat, is set to become an official electronic personal identification system in the country, with a WeChat ID pilot program launched in Guangzhou’s Nansha District.

On Monday, the authorities in the southern province of Guangzhou announced that its citizens will soon be able to identify themselves through WeChat (‘Weixin’ in China), Xinhua reported. The virtual ID card will be as valid as a paper identification issued by the Chinese state, it added.

It will provide access to online and offline government services and other things that require authentication such as hotel registration and ticketing. The move is aimed at preventing online identity theft, thanks to facial recognition technology used to verify applicants before providing them with online IDs.

The ID cards are available in “lightweight” format when a simple proof of identity is needed and in “upgraded” format for more complicated cases, including those requiring business registration.

Over 30,000 people have applied for WeChat ID cards in the 24 hours following the launch of the trial. According to Xinhua, the program will swiftly cover the whole of Guangzhou, before being expanded to other regions of the country starting from January 2018.

The ID card project was co-developed by the research institute of the Chinese Ministry of Public Security and WeChat developers Tencent, with the support of the banking sector and several other government agencies.

READ MORE: Chinese messenger WeChat apologizes after n-word translation error

According to Tencent, WeChat had 980 million monthly active users as of late September, making it the top social network in China.

Yhdysvaltalainen tutkivan journalismin uutispalvelu ProPublica kertoo, että ensi vuonna Facebookin turvallisuushenkilöstön määrä kaksinkertaistuu 20 000 työntekijään.

Sergei Konkov / AOP

Kaikkiaan yhtiöllä kerrotaan olevan palkkalistoillaan 7 500 henkilöä, joiden pääasiallinen tehtävä on käydä läpi käyttäjien ilmoituksia sopimattomasta sisällöstä. Lisäksi Facebook käyttää hyväkseen keinoälyä löytääkseen vihapuheen, terroristit ja viimeisimpien tietojen mukaan jopa itsemurhaa hautovat(siirryt toiseen palveluun).

Kuitenkin sosiaalisen median palvelun käyttäjät raportoivat lukuisista tapauksista, joissa vihapuheeseen ei ole puututtu – vaikka siitä on erikseen Facebookille ilmoitettu.

Yhdysvaltalainen tutkivan journalismin uutispalvelu ProPublica kertoo esimerkkejä (siirryt toiseen palveluun)näistä tapauksista. Eräs lukija oli löytänyt Facebook-syötteestään kuolleen miehen kuvan, jonka päälle oli kirjoitettu “ainut hyvä muslimi on kuollut muslimi”. Lukija ilmoitti viestistä Facebookille.

Facebookin vastaus tuli nopeasti. Kuva oli tutkittu ja hyväksyttäväksi havaittu.

Prosessissa oli selvästi jotain vialla.

ProPublica keräsi esimerkkejä vastaavista tapauksista ja lähetti 50 niistä Facebookille kommentointia varten. Yhtiö myönsi virheensä 22 tapauksessa.

– Olemme pahoillamme tekemistämme virheitä – ne eivät kuvasta sitä yhteisöä, jota haluamme olla rakentamassa, Facebookin globaalien operaatioiden johtaja Justin Ososfsky kommentoi ProPublicalle.

–Meidän täytyy toimia paremmin.

Ososfsky kertoi ProPublicalle yhtiön poistavan viikoittain 66 000 viestiä. Lisäksi Facebook tulee hänen mukaansa kaksinkertaistamaan turvallisuustiiminsä ensi vuoden kuluessa 20 000 työntekijään.



Posted: December 22, 2017 in valheita ja totuuksia

A Tribute HL of Joachim HELLBOY Hansen before his Dream FW Championship fight against Bibiano Fernades.

The price of the world’s fourth largest digital currency ripple has passed the one-dollar milestone for the first time. Ripple’s XRP token has risen 160 times in value in 2017.

Ripple was trading at $1.10 as of 14:34 GMT on Thursday with a market cap of $42 billion, according to data from CoinMarketCap. The cryptocurrency was worth just over 0.006 cents in January.

Creator of world’s 5th-biggest digital currency sold all his  tokens 

Litecoin cryptocurrency founder sells all his tokens after 7,500% rally — RT Business News

The creator of the world’s fifth-biggest digital currency Charlie Lee said he has sold all his litecoin tokens over the past few days to avoid further accusations of benefiting via his own tweets.

The rally in the relatively cheap virtual currency followed several months of sideways trading. Ripple started its upward move a week ago on positive news for the banking-oriented cryptocurrency. The surge was also triggered by a general increase in prices among rival altcoins with investors searching to move funds away from an overstretched and declining bitcoin.

Rumors that ripple may appear on Coinbase in 2018 reportedly fueled the price rise with the currency expected to cost a few dollars or more next year if widely used as a digital asset.

Moreover, financial institutions such as Standard Chartered and Axis Bank announced a new cross-border payment platform built on top of technology developed by ripple. The platform connects corporates in Singapore and India.

American Express introduced instant blockchain-based payments using ripple for US corporate clients sending funds to UK-based businesses which bank with the British branch of Santander. At the same time, Michael Arrington’s $100 million cryptocurrency hedge fund will be reportedly valued in ripple’s XRP.

What’s the best-performing digital asset today? 

PutinCoin surges 126% on cryptocurrency exchange — RT Business News

A peculiar cryptocurrency named after the Russian president, PutinCoin, was among the best-performing digital assets on Friday.

Ripple was started in 2012 in California and is currently listed on 30 exchanges. The digital currency is closely connected to the banking world, as it was initially designed as a worldwide payment and transmission system. Ripple, the company behind the cryptocurrency, has licensed its blockchain technology to over 100 banks as of October.

For more stories on economy & finance visit RT’s business section

A Danish MP has called for all refugees, even those with jobs, to be deported from the country once their home nations are deemed “safe”.

Marcus Knuth, an immigration spokesman for the governing Liberal (Venstre) party, said all people who have been granted asylum in Denmark should be made to go back to their country of origin regardless of whether they had already assimilated into Danish life.

The government, which is minority controlled by the Liberals with support from the Danish People’s Party, Liberal Alliance and the Conservative People’s Party, is currently negotiating what is being called a “paradigm change” in the country’s attitude to asylum.

The rule change is being demanded by the nationalist Danish People’s Party in return for supporting tax cuts. The new rules would see refugees granted temporary asylum, meaning they will be ordered to go back to their home country when the danger had past and are denied the right to family reunification.

These refugees will also be barred from accessing integration services such as language lessons and the “basic integration education programme” – an apprenticeship scheme introduced last year, The Local reported.

A similar scheme was introduced in Germany last year following a backlash against Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open door policy to refugees fearing violence in Iraq and Syria.

Over 1 million refugees arrived in Germany in 2016.

Denmark: 634 out of 700 asylum seekers lied on their identity


But the new rules are likely to create a big hole in the Danish jobs market as the arrival of refugees has made up for a reported decline in the number of people coming to the country from eastern Europe.

A report by the Danish newspaper Berlingske said that workers from outside the EU made up a larger share of foreign workers than EU citizens for the first time.

Meanwhile the Confederation of Danish Industry has repeatedly stressed the difficulty its members have had in filling its jobs – which it said was largely to do with the falling number of people arriving in the country to work.

Figures released by the body in November showed that the number of EU citizens coming to Denmark to work has fallen by 65 percent in the space of 15 months.

According to their analysis EU citizens took just 11 per cent of newly created jobs in Denmark in 2017 – compared with 87 per cent in 2013.

But Mr Knuth is adamant that “overall refugees are an economic burden for Denmark”.

He said: “The number of refugees on the labour market is fortunately increasing. But at the same time, they do not make up a big part of the jobs market”.

“If refugees can make a contribution, that can only be positive. But that does not change the fact that, as soon as there is peace in their home country, that have to go back”.

By – Caroline Mortimer 

After Saturday night brutal gang rape of a young girl in Malmö, the police are now out with a message to the city’s population: “Women should not be afraid”. Reports SVT News Skåne on Saturday afternoon. However, in Malmö several women are still noticeably shaken.

wo attacks were reported yesterday (16.12.2017) alone. A 17 year old girl was brutally attacked and gang-raped by Muslim rapists in Sofielund, Malmö. The attack occurred around 3 AM at a playground, with the victim suffering serious injuries, requiring hospitalization. Latest reports state that the girl was tortured with lighter fluid being poured in her vagina, and setting it on fire.

It was at 03 o’clock Saturday when police were alerted that a younger woman had been exposed to a brutal gang rape at a playground in Sofielund, Malmö.

The girl, according to the police’s website, is between 15 and 20 years old, was so seriously injured and was taken to hospital with an ambulance.

The police say that they have received a large amount of public tips, but no perpetrators have yet to be arrested. “We also check if there are any surveillance cameras in the area and what they can provide,” says Fredrik Bratt, police officer.

The night’s abuse, however, is only one in the line of assault violence with several culprits in the city lately.

Sweden’s Women Live in Fear in the First ‘Feminist’ Nation


In November, two other assault violence in Malmö occurred, one of which has occurred very close to the group’s rape in the night.

The police believe there is a connection between the attack. And in Malmö people are shocked by the night’s event.

– Everyone is worried. I know no woman who is not worried. So I hope the police take this seriously, says 27-year-old Malmö Nora Wieser to Aftonbladet on Saturday.

She explains that she is so afraid to live in Malmö that she never walks in the evenings, but always cycles – even if she only has a shorter distance.

But after all, the message from Malmö police is that women will not be afraid, says SVT Nyheter Skåne.

– Then you take responsibility for the victim and send out wrong signals. You do not need to avoid places or stay at home, “said police press officer Kim Hild to SVT.

According to the police, it is “counterproductive” asking women to stay home, as it creates even more concern.

The police have not expressed any sense of the perpetrators you are looking for.

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The price of bitcoin is down more than 25 percent from an all-time high of nearly $20,000 reached this past weekend, market data shows.

Prices fell to as low as $14,502 to start today’s trading session, according to CoinDesk’s Bitcoin Price Index (BPI), about 27 percent from the all-time high of $19,783 reported on Dec. 17.

Overall, bitcoin has seen several notable price drops following Sunday’s gains, including a dip below $17,000 on Tuesday that accounted for a roughly $1,800 drop on the day. Indeed, analysts have suggested that the price could experience continued volatility as 2017 comes to a close and new money, brought in by bitcoin’s meteoric gains, exits for fiat.

But, others may be testing the waters in alternative cryptocurrencies, as bitcoin is far from alone in having seen its price recently hit an all-time high.

According to data from OnChainFX, which charts price developments for cryptocurrencies, all of the top-20 coins by market capitalization have seen an all-time high within the past four days. Of those, cryptocurrencies like bitcoin cash, dash and litecoin have since posted declines in the last 24 hours.

Wolfie Zhao

Researchers at the University at Buffalo NY have discovered that it is possible to identify individual smartphones from just a single photo taken by the device. The technique is compared directly to ‘barrel matching’ or identifying a gun which has fired a particular bullet. In the case of smartphones, each one takes photos with a telltale “pattern of microscopic imaging flaws that are present in every picture they take”. Specifically, the manufacturing imperfections creating tiny variations in each camera’s sensor is referred to as its photo-response non-uniformity (PRNU).

Explaining why there are differences in recorded photos from these mass produced products, the UB Blog says that while camera modules and lenses are built for identical performance, manufacturing imperfections cause tiny variations and “these variations can cause some of sensors’ millions of pixels to project colours that are slightly brighter or darker than they should be.”

The differences between the different smartphone outputs, especially shots of the same scene by the same device model are not easily to see by the naked eye, if at all. However, the lack of uniformity in mass production “forms a systemic distortion in the photo called pattern noise”. Extracted by special filters, the pattern is unique for each camera and can be saved as its PRNU.

In tests scientists accurately identified which of 30 different iPhone 6s smartphones and 10 different Galaxy Note 5s smartphones took each of 16,000 images in a database correctly 99.5 per cent of the time.

Beyond the obvious implications that come from the comparison between smartphone camera output and gun barrels / bullets, there are other uses for this tech. The UB team suggests that you could register your PRNU with a bank or retailer, for example, and it adds an extra layer of security to ID verification. Potentially the tech could be used to defeat three of the most common tactics used by cybercriminals, think the researchers; fingerprint forgery attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, and replay attacks.

Interestingly, as more smartphones get dual-camera systems the researchers reckon that forgery attacks will be even more difficult.

We will find out more about the new technology utilising smartphone camera ‘fingerprints’ in February, at a presentation at the 2018 Network and Distributed Systems Security Conference in California. However, in the meantime, you can read through the paper ABC: Enabling Smartphone Authentication with Built-in Camera (3.3 MB PDF).

by Mark Tyson

Vaalikoneessa on 30 presidentin tehtävään olennaisesti liittyvää väittämää.MTV

Tähän mennessä MTV:n vaalikoneeseen vastanneista noin 40 prosenttia on saanut ehdokkaakseen perussuomalaisten Laura Huhtasaaren.

Toisena tulee sosialidemokraattien ehdokas Tuula Haatainen, jonka ehdokkaakseen on saanut neljäsosa koneen vastaajista. Istuvaa presidenttiä Sauli Niinistöä vaalikone on vastausten perusteella suositellut kymmenelle prosentille vastaajista.

MTV:n presidentinvaalikoneeseen pääset vastaamaan tästä linkistä.

Koneessa on 30 presidentin tehtävään olennaisesti liittyvää väittämää. Niihin otetaan kantaa liukuvalla asteikolla samaa mieltä / eri mieltä. Kaikki kahdeksan ehdokasta ovat vastanneet koneen kysymyksiin.


Vaalikoneen tuloksista huolimatta, ei ole syytä liian aikaisiin juhliin. Seuraavia vaalikoneita/vaaleja tullaan koplaamaan ja tiedossa on CIA:n vaikutus Tieto (ent. Tietoenator) yhtiön tapaan säätää vaalituloksia haluttuun suuntaan. 

Asiasta tekee erittäin mielenkiintoisen se seikka, että Jori Eskolin on luvannut tatuoida otsaansa ILJA ja syödä hatullisen Marco DeWitin paskaa, mikäli Laura Huhtasaari pääsee toiselle kierrokselle. Jäämme seuraamaan tilannetta.. -DASSOM-


“Jos Huhtasaari pääsee toiselle kierrokselle, niin minä lupaan tatuoida otsaani isoin kirjaimin ILJA ja lupaan mennä Suomi Ensin leiriin syömään hatullisen Marco DeWitin paskaa.”